
Make a fraction strip that is equivalent to the fraction below using wholes

1/6 1/6 1/6 1/6 1/6 1/6 = 1

but it doesn’t take it or it can be = 1/2 1/2

it keeps on saying Make sure you answer your question before casting your spell!
Click and drag the fraction strips to enter your answer.

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Last updated by Patrick F #723883
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I'm sorry, this is a short answer forum designed for literature based questions. We are unble to assist students with other academic subjects.

@jill d

would you direct me to where i can get an answer to this question? my son has run into the same problem, and my wife and i are unable to make sense of it.

we can't seem to add an answer, color in a field, or, as the question above shares "drag the fraction strips to enter your answer."

thank you for your help.