On the Basis of Sex

How does Ruth's struggle to achieve gender injustice?

how the representation of Ruth as the main character, struggling to achieve gender injustice?

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This is the most prominent theme throughout the movie and, indeed, is the real life experience of Ginsburg. Having only been one of nine female students at Harvard Law School, Ginsburg graduates as valedictorian but is still unsuccessful in finding a position in the legal sector. Her career was pigeonholed due to her gender and instead she ends up taking on the role of a Professor at Rutgers Law School, teaching "Sex Discrimination and the Law". However, throughout the course of the movie, Ginsburg aims to challenge the status quo through taking on cases against the Supreme Court that highlight how unfair the system is against women, and is ultimately successful in overturning five out of six cases she presents.

thankyou for your answer, it's really nice

let us discuss it, In which scene do you think the strongest point was that Ruth was against the status quo?