Number the Stars

What was Uncle Henrik’s explanation for Annemarie not seeing the Rosens in the boat?

♥ I have a novel summary due tomorrow morning and I don’t have my book! Can somebody please help me? Thanks! -Reyana

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From the text:

"Many of the fishermen have built hidden places in their boats. I have, too. Down underneath. I have only to lift the boards in the right place, and there is room to hide a few people. Peter, and others in the Resistance who work with him , bring them to me, and to the other fishermen as well. There are people who hide them and help them , along the way to Gilleleje."


"Were the Rosens and the others there, then, underneath, when I brought the basket?"

Uncle Henrik nodded.

"I heard nothing," Annemarie said.

"Of course not. They had to be absolutely quiet for many hours. The baby was drugged so that it wouldn't wake and cry."

"Could they hear me when I talked to you?"

"Yes. Your friend Ellen told me, later, that they heard you. And they heard the soldiers who came to search the boat."


Number the Stars