Number the Stars

Chapter 5-6

Here's some questions that i need help with.

Why was it important that Ellen remove her Star of David necklace?

Why had Mr. and Mrs. Johansen not looked at Lise’s things since the accident?

What do you think would have happened to the Johansen’s if Ellen’s true identity had been discovered?

Why were the girls kept home from school after the visit by the German soldiers?

What made Annemarie realize that her father was speaking in code to her uncle?

What was their conversation really about?

Where did Mrs. Johansen, Annemarie, Kirsti, and Ellen travel?

Why didn’t Mr. Johansen go with them?

Compare the area around Uncle Henrik’s farm in Gillelege to the Johansen’s apartment in Copenhagen?

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Last updated by jJACK_ATTACK_
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Why was it important that Ellen remove her Star of David necklace? The soldiers have come at night. If Ellen has her Star of David necklace on, the soldiers will know that she is a Jew. Ellen panics and can't undo it. Annemarie rips it off her neck and hides it in her hand.

Please submit each of your other questions separately (one at a time). Thanks.

Why had mr and mrs johansen not look at Lise's things since the accident?

I had mr. and mrs. Johansen not looked at Lisa's thing since the accident in the story Number the Stars

why were the girls kept home for school after the visit by the german soldiers ?

annemarie, kirsti, and ellen travel to uncle henrik's house


Why was it important that Ellen remove her Star of David necklace? (Chapter 5)

It was important because the Soldiers will know that she is a Jew if she wears it.


Number The Stars

What do you think would have happened to the Johansen's if Ellen's true identity had been discovered? Answer in C/C/C

I think that Ellen would have gotten caught by the soldiers. According to the text the soldiers were looking for her. Therefore I think that the Johansen's would have reported Ellen to the soldiers.


Number The Stars