
Night by Elie Wiesel Chapter 3

In chapter 3... Can you please write a paragraph about Elie dealing with loss of faith in himself?

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This is strictly a short-answer forum. My best advice for you in regards to writing a paragraph on this topic would be to look at Gradesaver's summary and analysis for this chapter. You will find many details and ideas on this topic readily available.


I just asked for a paragraph, Not an entire story.

As always I do appreciate your help. Can't you please try to help me on the questions that I asked.



In Chapter Three, Eliezer not only loses faith in himself, he loses himself. He becomes cold and numb; he no longer feels his own anguish, but also ceases to feel for those around him. Eliezer describes this as "inhuman weariness." He and the others are beaten and treated like animals, but even the animals didn't suffer the abuse the Jews experienced. Eliezer watched as his father is beaten, but he does nothing. He will never forgive the Nazis for making him witness the beating, and he will never forgive himself for doing nothing..... but the fight was already gone, and it was all about suriving. Note, that even without hope, Eliezer continued to give "hope." His interaction Stein (a relative) proves that he wasn't entirely immune to others, but simply protecting himself.


Thank you so very much, I really appreciate all your help.

