My Family and Other Animals

What was each family member's respective idea of Gerry's education?

what was each family member's respective idea of gerry's education

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Gerry's mother wants structure.

Scarcely had we settled into the Strawberry-pink Villa before Mother decided that I was running wild, and that it was necessary for me to have some sort of education.

After his tutor had accomplished all he was capable of... he suggested Gerry be sent away to school.

With a gentlemanly honesty which I found hard to forgive, Mr Kralefsky had informed Mother that he had taught me as much as he was able; the time had come, he thought, for me to go to somewhere like England or Switzerland to finish my education. In desperation I argued against any such idea; I said I liked being half- educated; you were so much more surprised at everything when you were ignorant. But Mother was adamant. We were to return to England and spend a month or so there consolidating our position (which meant arguing with the bank) and then we would decide where I was to continue my studies.


My Family and Other Animals