My Children! My Africa!

Who is "the people" that Mr M is referring to ?

Act 1 Scene 4 Mr M monologue

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I think Mr. M is referring to people in general. Mr. M is alone onstage; he delivers a monologue directly to the audience. He starts by talking about Confucius's ideas about life, since he identifies as a Confucian. Specifically, he talks about the idea that someone eagerly pursuing knowledge forgets all sorrows and other concerns, saying that it is not exactly true for him, even if he does pursue knowledge eagerly. He moves on to another idea of Confucius's—that he could do anything his heart prompted without transgressing what was right. He says he is envious of Confucius, that he could be so sure of his morals to be able to wake up and know you will only do things that are right. E