My Children! My Africa!

Fully describe what Thami and Mr. M are arguing about.

Act1Scene 5

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In Act V, Scene I, practice goes off the rails when Thami starts to talk about the pyramids being built by slaves in the Bible; he notes that there were many more slaves than masters and that, unlike them, the black people of South Africa "won't leave it to time to bring them down" (p.45). Mr. M questions who exactly Thami is referring to and Thami says "The People" (p.45). Mr. M questions whether he counts as one of those and Thami tells him that he can choose to by identifying with the fight for freedom. Mr. M argues back, saying that he must be one of The People then since he does want their freedom, but saying that he's been fighting for it in a different way for a long time. He tells Thami that lawlessness is not okay for anyone, the government or the people, so nobody should be toppling each other's statues.

