My Children! My Africa!

Act 2, Scene 1

thami quit the literature quiz and join the school boycott, was it choice for thami? motivate your answer

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In my opinion, breaking up the team was not a choice for Thami. In order to support the Comrades and their cause, he feels it necessary to stand by them, adhere to the boycott, and openly show his agreement. He also mentions the fact that in meeting with Isabel, he is putting himself in danger.

One of the great ironies of the play, and of the anti-apartheid movement in general, is pointed out in Act II, Scene 1; Thami and the Comrades are seeking more freedom, but Thami's freedoms are actually limited in this pursuit. That is to say, the Comrades begin to control his access to education and the places where and people with whom he spends time. Thami defends these limitations as necessary to the cause, but Mr. M attempts to push him on the issue even after Isabel drops the issue.


My Children! My Africa!