Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH

Do you think Mrs Frisby is a good mother?

give evidence to support your opinion

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Mrs. Frisby is a selfless, strong, wonderful mother. She shows many signs of courage and puts her children first, even when it presents danger to herself.

As she hurried home, Mrs. Frisby considered just how much she should tell her children about all that happened. She decided at this stage, at least, she would not tell them about their father's connection with the rats.

That afternoon Mrs. Frisby told the children that she must leave them to confer again with the rats […] When she thought of the danger she would face in just a few more hours, she wanted to kiss them all goodbye. But knowing that Timothy, at least, was already suspicious, she did not dare; but told them only that they should not worry if she was a little late getting home for supper.


Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH, Chapter 20