Mother to Mother

Did Mandisa support Mxolisi's actions by saying he is a product of his environment in Chapter 11?

Did Mandisa support Mxolisi's actions by saying that he is a product of his own environment in chapter 11

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Mandisa does not support her son's actions, but rather, she explains that Mxolisi was a product of his environment. Before he was a pariah, Mxolisi was an integral part of his community. In many ways, he was just following the teachings that he had been given since birth: "Did he not do as they shouted for all to hear? ONE SETTLER, ONE BULLET!" (138). Mandisa compares her son to a dog that had been trained to fight for its family. The society that has created this vicious animal takes no risk, "It is the dog that takes the risk, that could get hurt. Or killed. Or jailed" (138). When Mxolisi heard the common cry, "WITH OUR MATCH BOXES, WE SHALL FREE OURSELVES", was he not supposed to obey, to "go after the target and grab it by the throat" (138)?

And then there's Mandisa, left to cope with what her son has done. She is full of shame and anger: "Shame at what my son has done. Anger at what has been done to him" (138). She is angry at all of the adults who taught Mxolisi to be the way he was. They created the situation and then stepped back to watch the consequences safely from their homes. Everyone who made Mxolisi "believe he would be a hero, fighting for the nation" has as much culpability in Amy's death as Mxolisi himself has (138). In many ways, they are guiltier—they were grown and should have known better.

