Mother to Mother

Chapter 8

Mandisa's desperate need to re-unite with china is based on an illusion and not reality. Comment on the accuracy of these words by reviewing the nature of their relationship since their first meeting

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Mandisa wants to get into contact with China, even though she has been warned to wait for the moment that her family approaches his family to seek reparations for the pregnancy. She has been told that if she tells China before this, she will scare him away and he will not step up into fatherhood. She doesn't believe that China would do that to her, so once her mother returns to work, Mandisa summons two schoolgirls into the house one day and sends them to China's with a note, telling him that she is back in town and has to see him. He arrives soon after and bursts into the home. At first, it is a happy reunion: "Hearing his footsteps nearing, my heart gave a violent lurch and a flood of warmth bathed me. He is here! He is here!" (87). But China is frozen at the sight of her and her newly pregnant belly. China is neither prepared for nor welcoming of the news: "Even as I spoke, I could see resistance in his granite face" (87). As soon as she is done telling him what she has just learned a week before, he denies it, and tells her "in no uncertain terms: 'Go and find whoever did this to you'" (87).

China's reaction is very unlike their ther previous relationship..... he loved China, and he loved being her "secret" boyfriend. He had no desire, however, to be the father of her child.


Mother to Mother