Mississippi Trial, 1955

Briefly describe Hiram’s dream at the beginning of Chapter 10. Why do you think the author added this dream to the text? It doesn’t move the plot along. What purpose do you think it serves?

well i really need help

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In Chapter Ten, Hiram dreams that he and his father are fishing..... the perfect day, when Hiram walks away for a moment, only to return and find his father gone. When Hiram wakes up from his dream, he realizes that he misses his father and wants to talk to him.

Hiram's dream can be seen as a metaphor for the relationship between Hiram and his father. Hiram loves his father, but the damage caused by their constant arguing may have damaged their relationship beyond repair. As a result of his dream, Hiram misses his father more than ever, and the "missing" can be seem most prominently in his relationship with his grandfather.


Mississippi Trial, 1955