Mine Boy

Characters of Xuma, Leah, Ma Plank and Paddy?

Please help me with the traits of the above characters

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Xuma is the novel's protagonist. Xuma leaves his family farm in the economically depressed north to work in a Johannesburg gold mine, where he encounters the social problems and harsh living conditions that arise from racial and economic oppression. Xuma is characterized as naïve and good-natured, and he is often confused by the behaviors and attitudes of the city people he meets. Xuma is strong and good-looking, attracting the attention of multiple women.

Leah is a middle-aged beer seller who takes Xuma in at the beginning of the novel. Leah is also Eliza's aunt. She is depicted as strong and street-smart but ultimately kind. Though Leah is adept at avoiding police raids, she is eventually caught and imprisoned toward the end of the novel.

Ma Plank is an elderly woman who lives at Leah's and works for her selling beer. Ma Plank is generous and helpful, and occasionally makes rude jokes.

Paddy is Xuma's direct boss at the gold mine, where he is nicknamed "The Red One" for his red hair. While Paddy is initially portrayed as an unsympathetic character, Xuma eventually learns of Paddy's progressive politics and opposition to the poor treatment of black South Africans.


Mine Boy