Medicine Walk

What makes Mr. Melvin an ideal coach for Tyler and the group?

It is from the book medicine walk.

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Mr. Melvin is the ideal coach because he experienced the medicine walk first hand when he was thirteen. As a result, he understands their worries and concerns.

Mr. Melvin served as Tyler’s coach. He led a reluctant group of 13-year-olds whose families wanted them to experience a medicine walk as an exercise in self-reliance. “I did my own version of this when I was thirteen,” he shared. “My folks called it a vision quest, but to me it began as aimless wandering. I was allowed to bring very little with me, but I did carry the voices of the elders in my head as I explored. As my medicine walk day went on, my own voice emerged, and it served me well. My task today is to help you find your own inner strength to accompany you on your journey.”


Medicine Walk