Lost Horizon

How does Wyland react when Sander talks about the disappearance of a plane? (prologue)

How does Wyland react when Sander talks about the disappearance of a plane? (prologue)

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Wyland is curious and asks if one of the passengers was a man named Conway.

“Never reached there, and never came down anywhere else, so far as we could discover. That was the queer part about it. Of course, if the fellow was a tribesman he might have made for the hills, thinking to hold the passengers for ransom. I suppose they all got killed, somehow. There are heaps of places on the frontier where you might crash and not be heard of afterwards.”

“Yes, I know the sort of country. How many passengers were there?”

“Four, I think. Three men and some woman missionary.”

“Was one of the men, by any chance, named Conway?”


Lost Horizon