Lord of the Flies
In chapter 8, Jack officially breaks away from Ralph and his supporters. Show step by step how this happens?
chapter 8
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rriju s #219271
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chapter 8
Jack, trying to take control of the situation, calls an assembly by blowing the conch.
He tells the group about the beast and then asks who thinks Ralph shouldn’t be chief anymore.
His argument is that Ralph shouldn’t be chief because 1) he likes Piggy, 2) he doesn’t hunt, and 3) he was scared on the mountain.
When no one is willing to impeach Ralph, Jack feels humiliated and declares something along the lines of a “Fine, I quit” statement. Having seceded from the union, Jack storms off, adding that Ralph has to catch his own pigs from now on.
BUT, before his grand exit, Jack invites anyone who wants to come with him.