Like Water for Chocolate

Smells, tastes and sounds often transport us back to memories of the past. As Tita begins to make the filling for the wedding cake, and opens the apricot preserves, what memories does the smell bring back?

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From the text:

The moment Tita opened the jar, the smell of apricots transported her to the afternoon they made the marmalade. Tita had come in from
the kitchen garden, carrying the fruit in her skirt because she had forgotten a basket. She walked into the kitchen with her skirt held up in front of her and was startled to bump into Pedro.

Tita dropped a few of the apricots. Pedro quickly came over to help her pick them up.

To prevent Pedro from looking at her leg, Tita let go of her skirt. When she did, all the rest of the apricots rolled onto Pedro's head.
"Forgive me, Pedro. Did I hurt you?"
"Not as much as I have hurt you. Let me say that my intention .
"1 didn't ask for an explanation."
"You have to let me say a few words.
"I let you do that once, and all I got was lies.
I don't want to hear any more.


Like Water for Chocolate