Life is Beautiful

Full question in Description Below - Life is Beauitful

Consider the opening prologue the director uses in this movie. He has the narrator speak. What the narrator says at the beginning and end of the movie provides the framework for the purpose of the film. Keep that in mind. Describe the opening scene and explain the message being conveyed by choosing it?

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The moody, evocative opening of the film, with a shadowy character struggling through dense fog, provides a sharp contrast to the cheerful, boisterous scene that follows, which depicts Guido and Ferruccio barreling down a country road in an open-air car. Indeed, the first scene is so at odds with the entire first half of the film that viewers may forget about it entirely until the horrors of the second half begin. Yet, the first scene alerts us to the true complexity of Life is Beautiful: this is a lighthearted comedy, for certain, but it has a dark side that must be reckoned with.


Life is Beautiful