Letters from an American Farmer

I need help I'm confused, Write a brief paragraph describing the new perspectives both Lanston Hughes and Julia Alvarez provide in their poems.

YOUR TASK: Write a brief paragraph describing the new perspectives both Lanston Hughes and Julia Alvarez provide in their poems.


  1. Think about the America that Whitman describes in his two poems in 1.10 ("America" and "I Hear America Singing")
  2. Now think about the poems in 1.11. How do Langston Hughes ("I, Too") and Julia Alvarez ("I, Too, Sing América") each provide alternate perspectives on the country?
  3. As you explain, be sure to use at least one example from each text in your response.
  4. You can submit your response by uploading a Word document or a picture of your hand-written response (please make sure it's legible) or by filling in the text box that pops up after clicking "submit."

Need a reminder of Whitman's position?

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Last updated by jill d #170087
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