Letter From Birmingham Jail

Lines 247–264: What allusions are in these two paragraphs? How does King use these allusions to support his argument in favor of civil disobedience?

Lines 247–264: What allusions are in these two paragraphs? How does King use these allusions to support his argument in favor of civil disobedience?

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Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego/ Laws of Nebuchadnezzar


Adolf Hitler

In the Book of Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego defy the laws of King Nebuchadnezzar based upon their direct conflict with the men's religious beliefs.

The second allusion points to the example of what happens when people do not stand up to moral wrongs...... thus, the extermination of six million Jews at the behest of Adolf Hitler.


Letter From Birmingham Jail