Kurt Vonnegut's Short Stories

In the context of the short story, what should the future look like? What implications does this story have for how people and the government should act?

The short story = Harrison Bergeron

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In the short-story, Harrison Bergeron, the future is a place of equality in every area. Note, this equality only applies to the "regular" citizen..... those in power stay in power and reap the benefits...... everyone else is awarded only what the government allows. There is no way to better oneself, no dreams of something more. Citizens are summarily handicapped so their talents and gifts are hidden; intelligence is punished and distracted, beauty is marred, and strength is weighted down. Competition is nonexistent. In context, Vonnegut is speaking against large government and its intrusion and interference in the lives of individuals..... totalitarianism.

As for the rest of your question, your teacher is looking for your opinion, outlook, and view of the future. This is the way Vonnegut's dystopian worlds appears...... how do you think the world of the future should appear.


Harrison Bergeron