Into the Wild
Evaluate the mood of chris's letters to westerberg and Mccandless from April 27 th,1992
into the wild qusetion
Asked by
tang c #328977
Last updated by
jill d #170087
into the wild qusetion
The letter that Wayne Westerberg received from Chris dated April 27th, 1992, was filled with optimism. McCandless wrote that he'd arrived safely in Fairbanks and was ready to focus on his new life. Chris requested that any mail received for him be returned to sender, and he stated that Wayne might not be hearing from him again...... that he might not ever return home. Chris wrote, "If this adventure proves fatal and you don't ever hear from me again I want you to know you're a great man." Thus, although I hear a lot of optimism and excitement in what he writes, I also hear that he appreciates the danger of the task he's set himself.
Into the Wild