Inside Out and Back Again

1. How are Miss Washington's photos of Vietnam different from Miss Scott's that she shows in the classroom?

Read from "Pancake Face" to "Confessions"

Form the book inside and out again

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Miss Scott shows Hà photographs of Vietnam and a statue of the Buddha reclining. Her depiction of Vietnam—an attempt to explain to the children what desperate circumstances Hà has fled—leaves out the full story about her country. Without papaya and new year’s celebrations, life in Vietnam appears grim. However, Hà sometimes prefers her familiar yet war-torn life to what she has endured in Alabama.

Mrs. Washington’s son died fighting in Vietnam, and Ha never thought the name of her country could sound so sad. She asks if Mrs. Washington hates her, and she hugs Hà. Hà tells her about the pancake comment. She shows her photos her son Tom had sent home, photos of the country he loved and hated equally. Hà points to a photo of a papaya tree and shouts “du du,” and they laugh about how it sounds similar to doo-doo. Mrs. Washington tells her to take the book home.


Inside Out and Back Again