Indian Horse

Chapter 8 shows another argument between Naomi’s spiritual beliefs, and those of Saul’s mother. When we consider that Saul’s parents would have learned about Christian religious practices from residential schools, and that Naomi would have taught them

Chapter 8 shows another argument between Naomi’s spiritual beliefs, and those of Saul’s mother. When we consider that Saul’s parents would have learned about Christian religious practices from residential schools, and that Naomi would have taught them the faith of the Ojibway people, what does it mean that Saul’s parents are adamant that Benjamin be buried according to Christian practice?

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This means that even though Saul's parents detest the white "school" and white man's ways, they still feel the pull of white religion. They were indoctrinated through fear and repetition. They want Benjamin to be burried by a Catholic priest because they give more validity to that rather than their own spiritual beliefs.