In His Steps

Write a summary sentence for each section of the story so far: What happened at the beginning of the book (introduction)? What have been the most important problems/events (conflict)? what is the highest piont in the story (climax)? 

Write a summary sentence for each section of the story so far: What happened at the beginning of the book (introduction)?

What have been the most important problems/events (conflict)?

what is the highest piont in the story (climax)?

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I'm sorry, this is a short-answer forum desgined for text specific questions. We are unable to provide students with chapter summaries or other writing assignments.

The First Church of Raymond had never really thought much of the Rectangle. The place was too nasty, coarse, too immoral to be involved with. He knew they once tried to cleanse that part of town, but apparently they didn't succeed. But they never really made a big effort to purify the Rectangle. He realized that part of town was considered the slums, the ghetto of Raymond.

Maxwell certainly did not think they were too evil, or sinful to be around. If he was to live the way Jesus would, he thought that living straightforwardly, in a simple way, like the people of the Rectangle, would be how He would live. They were humble people, without comfort or a luxurious life style. He felt that he need to tell them about Jesus, preach boldly to them no matter what their social construction or assets.

The people that lived in the Rectangle needed to be shown love. He knew the general public lacked compassion and affection, as well as the fellow human, informed and cultured people who make up the vast majority of the community. He could be their friends without partaking in their sinful acts.

Also he felt that having saloons in Raymond was morally wrong. He wanted to preach against having them in the city even if the idea is extremely unpopular. There were a lot of people there who would certainly protest and oppose his beliefs. But he also knew Jesus would speak against it no matter what, so why shouldn't he?

He wanted to go down to the Rectangle, with a few volunteers to pray with the Rectangles population, and convert, and sing and praise God. He thought the people would change their lives for the better. Maxwell knew most of the people were drunks, he knew they were far from God, but he still wanted them to know about God so He can save their souls.

He felt it was his duty and responsibility as a follower of Jesus Christ to suffer for Him. As a matter of fact, he thinks he isn't suffering enough for Jesus. Living at the Rectangle, working in the slums for a living, helping to clean the town by fighting against the bars in town, he would feel happier if he knew he was doing something important for the city of Raymond. And he also knew that that was what Jesus would have done is such a situation.

Even though living at the Rectangle would require more physical stamina, and would probably cost him more money by doing so. He couldn't be at peace with himself unless he knew he was doing his part as a Christian in the city.

Maxwell's main objective was to do what Jesus would do. The Rectangle needed to be preached to, the people needed someone to care about them, their lives, and their salvation. He wanted to urge the people of the First Church to join him in his mission to help the people from the Rectangle. He urged his congregation to make the promise to God to follow what Jesus would do at all times. So, his view of the atmosphere of the rectangle was somewhat frightening, but felt compassion and sympathy at the same time.

His view of the Rectangles setting was rundown, dark, underprivileged.

The mood in that section of town was usually unruly, drunk, loud, reckless, discombobulated.

Although, when their services were held, they showed respect and reverence to the pastor and the singers. Maxwell saw that they listened and many did convert. Many did change their lives. And he felt that he did do something to help the Rectangle.

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