In His Steps

What does the bold word in the sentence mean? In His Steps

1.) Mr. Sterling had mae his money in grain speculation.

2.) Rose, who was just entering society, was somewhat cynical.

3.) Rose called Felicia's remark a doleful one for a girl of 19.

4.) Dr. Calvin Bruce was a refined doctor of divinity.

5.) Rose knew that Felicia's resolve could not be changed.

6.) Rose told Felicia that her decision to stay was folly.

7.) Mrs. Bruce soon departed discreetly and left the men alone.

8.) The bishop was soliloquizing now and it is doubtful if he thought of his friends presence.

9.) That feeble tenent could not sustain Mrs. Sterling's weakend spirit.

10.) The bishop talked about the brutal selfishness of an insolant society.

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Last updated by jill d #170087
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1) investment

2) distrustful

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In His Steps