House on Mango Street
What decisions could Ruthie not make?
" Edna's Ruthie "
" Edna's Ruthie "
Ruthie could not decide whether to go or stay, she looked for her mother's approval and direction.
Once some friends of Edna's came to visit and asked Ruthie if she wanted to go with them to play bingo. The
car motor was running, and Ruthie stood on the steps wondering whether to go. Should I go, Ma? she asked the
gray shadow behind the second-Roor screen. I don't care, says the screen, go if you want. Ruthie looked at the
She is Edna's daughter, the lady who owns the big building next door, three apartments front and back. Every
week Edna is screaming at somebody, and every week somebody has to move away. Once she threw out a pregnant lady just because she owned a duck ... and it was a ground. What do you think, Ma? Do what you want, how should I know? Ruthie looked at the ground some more. The car with the motor running waited fifteen minutes and then they left.
The House on Mango Street