Hard Times
Compare and contrast the chapters entitled " The One Thing Needful and " Another thing Needful?
Answer briefly
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Hussein A #1026762
Last updated by
Duveidukhu L #1360041
Answer briefly
The novel begins with a short introduction. Inside a classroom, "the speaker" repeats the exclamation "Now, what I want is, Facts." He presents the argument that the formation of a child's mind must be rooted in the study of fact. The schoolroom is as hard and plain as the teacher's teaching style. All of the children are focused on him. Besides "the speaker" there is also "the schoolmaster and the third grown person" who stand before the pupils. I think “Another Thing Needful,” merely echoes the title “The One Thing Needful,” revealing that Gradgrind has realized that fact alone cannot sustain a happy and fulfilling existence.