Gulliver's Travels

Why did the ambassadors of peace from Blefuscu visit Gulliver?


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When the Lilliputians and Blefuscudians go to war, Gulliver proves to be very useful by dragging the entire Blefuscudian fleet of ships to the shore of Lilliput, where "The Emperor and his whole Court stood on the Shore expecting the Issue of the great Adventure." When Gulliver arrives, he cries out, "Long live the most puissant Emperor of Lilliput!" The emperor gives Gulliver the land's highest honor, "Nardac."

Later the emperor requests that Gulliver go back to the enemy's shores and do his best to destroy what is left, turning the empire into a province. Gulliver thinks that this action is going too far and declines the request. Three weeks after Gulliver's victory, an embassy from Blefuscu arrives offering peace, which the emperor accepts.

