Gulliver's Travels
Sketch the character of guliver as given in the novel
Gulliver is an adventurer and anthropologist at heart. He remains reliable narrator for the most part. He tries to keep his objectivity. Gulliver also remains quite a static character until part 4 and his voyage to the Houyhnhnms. What is different here? Only Gulliver's experiences since Brobdingnag and his contact with the Yahoos. Through the Yahoos, Gulliver has come to see some awful aspects of human nature, and Swift has shown his readers what they would be (and often are) without the intelligence and graces of which they are capable. Gulliver seems willing to turn his back on the English people in favor of those he deems better than the English. Now that he has been exposed to many alternatives, he can think carefully about who to admire and what political systems to favor, and the English certainly come up short in relation to the Houyhnhnms.