Good Night, Mr. Tom

In Chapter 12, The Show Must Go On, how have the characters developed since Chapter 11?

In chapter 12 the show must go on how have the characters developed since chapter 11.

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In the chapter “The Show Must Go On” Majorianvmarks a moment when both Willie and Tom come out of their comfort zones. For Willie, this means taking on the role of Scrooge in the school play. For Tom, it means replacing Mr. Bush as the organ player for the choir. Willie, through trying his hand at acting, discovers a latent talent. He is able to use his memories of London—feeling hungry, the tramps on the train—to enrich the character he plays. Through creating these new opportunities for both characters, Magorian underscores how the relationship between Tom and Willie is allowing both characters to grow out of their accustomed behavior.


Good Night, Mr. Tom