Good Night, Mr. Tom
Chapter 7
What has mister Tom been dng when Willie was at the picnic
What has mister Tom been dng when Willie was at the picnic
While Willie was at the picnic, Tom had installed planks on the floor of the shelter, moved in two "rough bunk beds", and decorated.
They came over to where he stood and peered inside. The earthen floor was covered with planks and on either side were two rough bunk beds. A tin with one side cut out of it hung from a hook at the back. Fixed inside was a candle. Underneath it stood an orange crate on top of which were two flower pots. One was placed like a lid on the other and had a hole in the base. Inside this was another candle. Above their heads over the entrance was a rolled piece of dark canvas. A potted plant hung in a nearby corner.
Good Night, Mr. Tom