What opinion does Victor have of his creation? do you agree with his assessment of it?
chapter 20
chapter 20
Victor hates his creation. He is hideous hence he is horrid. THe Creature is also after Victor's family but really can you blame the guy or Monster. Victor refuses to make a Mrs. Monster for the creature because he laments his first prototype. What if the had Monster babies? You have to feel for the Monster. He is a symbol of God's unrequited love. He is Lucifer in Milton's paradise Lost (kind of). The guy is lonely and depressed through no fault of his own. Sure he looks like a Halloween costume but he is really a good guy once you get to know him. Victor should grow up and take some responsibility for his actions.He is a"deadbeat dad". I should write an advice column, don't you think?
:D Yes, yes you should join an advice column. I love all these answers you give, they help me out so much. ^^ You're a very smart fellow.