Flight Behavior

What is the operating question Kingsolver poses (and attempts to answer) through writing this book about climate and human change?

from barbara kingsolvers flight behavior

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The first time Dellarobia sees butterflies' colossal migration, she believes that God is warning her not to cheat on her husband. Her conviction makes her rethink her decision, and she quickly goes back to hide from the face of God. Dellarobia is a religious woman who knows that God is everyone, and this time she knows that she has gone overboard, and God has decided to appear in the form of an orange spin in the sky to warn her. However, Ovid Byron provides the scientific meaning of the orange swirl in the sky, arguing that it is an annual butterfly migration. The main reason for the migration of butterflies in large numbers is climate change. Consequently, Barbara Kingsolver is bringing up a debate showing that the less educated people believe that butterflies' migration is a warning from God. In contrast, educated people believe that the cause of butterflies' migration is climate change.

