

From reading the conversations between or about the two, how do you think Troy handles fatherly advice (or any interaction) when dealing with Cory and Lyons? Do you think they differ? Do you believe they could be the same?

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Troy handles his sons in very different ways. He is accepting of Lyons' choice to be a musician and to work toward a successful career doing something he loves. None-the-less, Troy is disappointed and angered by Lyons' refusal to act responsibly in terms of taking care of his family.

Troy is far tougher on his youngest son, possibly because Cory seems to be following in his father's footsteps.... attempting to make the sport he loves (football) a path to college, and possibly, even a career. Troy's experience in professional sports (baseball) was a negative one...... he wants to protect Cory from the same experience, to save him rejection and crushed dreams. There's also the possibility that Troy is tougher on his youngest son because Lyons hasn't found success.... he's still borrowing money from his father to make ends meet.

