Marie de France Essays


The Lais of Marie de France

In Medieval times, women were usually forced to be dependent on a man for her safety, prosperity, and guidance. Yet, in Marie de France’s fictional tales of courtly love, men are in fact victims to women’s charm. Men are unable to live without...


The Lais of Marie de France

The Lais of Marie de France give outstanding examples why true love cannot exist in the real world. “Lanval” and “Yonec” both focus on the theme of true love existing only in the imagination because it has no foundations in the human world. True...


The Lais of Marie de France

The story of Bisclavret is a lais poem, written by Marie De France in the 12th century. The titular character is a knight cursed with the ability to change into a wolf. However, the true monster of this story is made out to be his unfaithful wife....