Esperanza Rising

"They had been on the train for four days and nights when a woman got on with a wire cage containing six red hens" (75). What purpose does this woman have in the story? What lesson does Miguel help Esperanza learn from this woman?

chapter 4

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The woman who gets on the train illustrates friendship and kindness..... not only through her own actions, but also through the way that Esperanza's mother treats her..... respectfully and compassionately. For Esperanza, this is an eye opening experience..... a moment when she sees her mother treat a woman from a lower class in the same way she would have treated a social equal. It is important to note that Mama understands she is no longer in an "elite" position. As a humble woman, she can fit right in.... Esperanza will have a bit more difficulty.

When the woman leaves the train, she makes a trade with Esperanza's mother...... chickens for table coverings. She also shares what little money she has with a beggar, an act that teaches Esperanza that one does not have to be wealthy to be generous. Miguel then explains to Esperanza that the poor have to depend on each other for help because the rich do not help anyone but each other.


Esperanza Rising