Esperanza Rising

Isabel must teach Esperanza many things even though she is younger and has had a less privileged life. How does she feel toward Esperanza? Cite specific examples from the text (p. 113 - 114).

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Last updated by Joanna E #1074906
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Isabel is actually concerned about Esperanza. She knows that Esperanza comes from a sheltered life and is struggling to adapt to their new life in California. Isabel tries to strengthen Esperanza and maker her more resilient.

Isabel's eyes got bigger and she looked worried. "Esperanza, when I go to school next week, you will be here alone with the babies and will have to do the laundry."

good answer aslan


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Isabel's eyes got bigger and she looked worried. "Esperanza, when I go to school next week, you will be here alone with the babies and will have to do the laundry."