Escape from Camp 14

Escape from camp 14 chapter 6-10

1. In chapter six, the family rap sheet indicated Shin’s uncle was guilty of what offenses? What were the crimes of this father? What did the guards do to Shin seeking a confession?

2. In chapter eight, Shin and his father sign a nondisclosure from which stipulated what? What was Shin and his father forced to observe? What was Shin's response?

3. Because the urge to commit suicide was “overwhelming” and common in the camp, how did the Party see suicides and what was done to surviving family members according to chapter 9?

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1) Shin was thrown into a small cell and repeatedly interrogated for two days. On day three, they hung him upside down from the cell’s ceiling, and then they took him to what appeared to be a torture room that was filled with clubs, axes, hooks, and pliers. After once again telling them that he didn’t know anything, he was stripped, hung from the ceiling, and lowered into a tub of hot coals. When he twisted his body to evade the heat, one of the men stabbed him in the abdomen with a gaff hook. He then lost consciousness.

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