Cue for Treason

Does the teller of this story leave the reader at the end of Chapter One with any reason for fearing that those who took part in the early morning escapade might be discovered?

does the teller of this story leave the reader at the end of chapter one with any reason for fearing that those who took part in the early morning escapade might be discovered in cue for treason

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In the following quote, Peter's words foreshadow the danger he is in.... the fact that he will be on the run, and the fact that Sir Phillip isn't one to give up.

I enjoyed it especially because, if that bullet had been an inch or two lower, I should never have seen the sun rise over Lonsdale again. I never thought as I jumped the beck and went up to our house that it would be many a long day before I did see it again.


Cue For Treason