Chinese Cinderella

List the things that Niang and Father accuse Adeline of when her friends come to visit her at home.

chinese cinderela

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From the text:

“Is this party your idea?”
“No, Niang.” I shook my head. “They came of their own accord. I didn’t know anything about it.”
“Come here!” she screamed. I approached her gingerly, trembling with terror. She slapped my face so hard I
almost fell. “Liar! You planned it, didn’t you, to show off our house to your penniless classmates. How dare you!”


She slapped me with the back of her hand against my other cheek. “Showoff! I’ll teach you to be so sneaky!” she screamed. “Go downstairs this minute and tell your hooligan friends to get out! They are not welcome!”


Niang interrupted me in the middle of my explanation. “Stop bragging!” she screamed. “Who do you think you are?
A princess of some sort, that all your friends should come and pay you tribute? You are getting altogether too proud and conceited!


“You breached our trust in you when you asked your friends to come here and insult us,” Father said in a quiet voice that made me grit my teeth in pain. “


Chinese Cinderella