Bless Me, Ultima
Why does Ultima's owl attack only Tenorio?
Tenorio gathered drunk men to capture Ultima and kill her. When They get there Ultima's owl attacks Tenorio taking out his eye.
Tenorio gathered drunk men to capture Ultima and kill her. When They get there Ultima's owl attacks Tenorio taking out his eye.
Ultima'a is being threatened. Narciso suggesting that they make Ultima undergo a test for witchcraft: if she is unable to pass through a doorway marked with a cross made out of needles, she is proven to be a witch. The mob agrees to abide by the result of this test. Suddenly Ultima’s owl swoops onto Tenorio and claws out one of his eyes.
Adding to the previous, the owl knows Tenorio has hurt ultima before. His suggestion of "proving/testing" is a step too far, the hypocrisy of it. The rest of the mob are simply followers and half drunk anyways. Tenorio is the "ring leader" therefore the owl targets him specifically