Barrio Boy

What inference can you make about the narrator feels about his teachers at his new school? Use evidence from the text to support your claim.

what inference can you make about the narrator feels about his teachers at his new school? Use evidence from the text to support your claim

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At first, Ernesto is somewhat frightened of his teachers and the others he meets in school. Soon, however, he decides they aren't at all formidable, and he comes to like them.

Then Miss Hopley did a formidable thing. She stood up. Had she been standing when we entered she would have seemed tall. But rising from her chair she soared. And what she carried up and up with her was a buxom superstructure, firm shoulders, a straight sharp nose, full cheeks slightly molded by a curved line along the nostrils, thin lips that moved like steel springs, and a high forehead topped by hair gathered in a bun. Miss Hopley was not a giant in body but when she mobilized to a standing position she seemed a match for giants. I decided I liked her.

Miss Ryan took me to a seat at the front of the room, into which I shrank—the better to survey her. She was, to skinny, somewhat runty me, of a withering height when she patrolled the class. And when I least expected it, there she was, crouching by my desk, her blond radiant face level with mine, her voice patiently maneuvering me over the awful idiocies of the English language.
During the next few weeks Miss Ryan overcame my fears of tall, energetic teachers as she bent over my desk to help me with a word in the pre-primer.


Barrio Boy