Balzac and the Little Chinese Seamstress

Why were the villagers of Yong Jing planning a celebration? Were the boys invited? What were they planning to do? How were the boys preparing to execute their plan? (Knowledge, Comprehension) Who is right, Four Eyes, who’s keeping his books, or the bo

i need help

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Last updated by jomie c #1339694
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what a long question haha...

the villagers of yong jing were planning a celebration in honour of Four-Eyes, becuase he was going to leave the village and get back to the city. he had been re-educated successfully.

the boys weren't invited, and this didn't sit quite well with them.

they were planning to rob Four-Eyes' books.

they were going to enter his house,......

(the last question isn't fully written so i can't give you an answer to it)

hope this helps! x

