Animal Farm
what are the answers to these questions?
Animal Farm Chapters 1- 3 Review Questions
Asked by
Josh S #480287
Last updated by
jill d #170087
Snowball, Napoleon, and Squealer have taken charge especially, and they have expanded Old Major’s concept into a “complete system of thought” called Animalism.
Please list your questions separately.
Who? What? Why? When? Where? How?
1. Who develops the concepts of Animalism?
3. What do the animals do first after they have driven the humans from the farm?
4. What is the original name of Animal Farm?
5. Why does the Rebellion happen?
6. Why is the hay harvest such a success?
7. When does the Rebellion take place?
8. Where are the Seven Commandments written?
9. How does the meeting to hear Old Major speak break up?
10. How does Old Major describe Man, and what does he recommend that the animals do about the human race?
Who is this?
Prove it!
Find [[#|a quote]] that could be used to back up each of the following statements.
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