And Then There Were None

What do we find out about Beatrice Taylor, the woman Emily Brent is accused of killing

What do we find out about Beatrice Taylor, the woman Emily Brent is accused of

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From the text:

“Beatrice Taylor was in service with me. Not a nice girl - as I found out too late. I was very much deceived in her. She had nice manners and was very clean and willing. I was very pleased with her. Of course all that was the sheerest hypocrisy! She was a loose girl with no morals. Disgusting! It was some time before I found out that she was what they call ‘in trouble.’” She paused, her delicate nose wrinkling itself in distaste. “It was a great shock to me. Her parents were decent folk, too, who had brought her up very strictly. I’m glad to say they did not condone her behaviour.”


And Then There Were None