All American Boys

Explain Quinn's internal conflict when trying to decide if he should go outside or sit with Guzzo for lunch. What choice would you make and why?

All American Boys Discussion 13
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At lunch that day, Quinn was looking around the cafeteria for a couple of his basketball teammates. The whole team never really sat together, but today there was an even clearer divide. Only Guzzo, Dwyer, Hales and Reegan were sitting inside - the four other white guys on the team. Quinn comes across Jill, who asks him where he is going to sit. Quinn, still undecided, has the urge to sit outside, but Guzzo comes over and asks them if they are going to sit down. There was a coldness to Guzzo's interaction, and Jill accidentally let it slip that she knew Quinn and Guzzo saw the whole thing go down. Guzzo begins to lose his mind, yelling at Quinn for exposing them, and storms off. Dwyer interrupts and grabs Quinn's arm, and says that they need to fix these problems before the season starts or else the team will be in shambles.