All American Boys

Based on what we read on pages five and six what do we know about Rashad? Use evidence to support your answer.

Based on what we read on pages five and six what do we know about Rashad? Use evidence to support your answer.

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The book begins on page 5 and is told from Rashad's perspective. Rashad is a student involved in his school's military club the Reserve Officer Training Corps, or ROTC for short. Rashad is not a fan of the club, and especially hates it on Fridays because they are forced to wear a uniform. The only reason he is apart of the club at all is because of his father, who forces him to be there. His dad believes that the club is beneficial for a black teenager like Rashad. But there's a silver lining about this Friday: Jill, another student at the high school, is having a party, and everyone is talking about it.


All American Boys