A Thousand Splendid Suns

What are some examples of Laila's characteristics and appearance?

some examples if possible

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Laila is the daughter of Hakim and Fariba, raised to appreciate education and to live up to her full potential. Her father tells her she will change Afghanistan, and her friends tell her she will be on the front page of the newspaper. Laila is in love with Tariq, but she eventually becomes Rasheed's second wife.

Laila put on her shoes and quickly brushed her shoulder-length, blond curls in the mirror. Mammy always told Laila that she had inherited her hair color-as well as her thick-lashed, turquoise green eyes, her dimpled cheeks, her high cheekbones, and the pout of her lower lip, which Mammy shared-from her great-grandmother, Mammy's grandmother.


A Thousand Splendid Suns